The Center -- Class of 1922

    This information is taken from the 1922, The Center,Volume II, Center High School Annual published by THE STUDENTS of THE CENTER HIGH SCHOOL.

"Dedicated  to our fathers and mothers who have made our education possible"

"Before entering into the year book any further we wish to take this space to thank the student body and the faculty for their invaluable aid in the production of the year book.  Although it has been a long hard job the students have been loyal in their support.  There will be faults found in the book we know. But if the good parts overshadow or in any way cover the bad ones, then we think that the book is a success."

lbullet.gif (312 bytes)The Senior Classrbullet.gif (313 bytes)

lbullet.gif (312 bytes)The Junior Classrbullet.gif (313 bytes)

lbullet.gif (312 bytes)The Sophmore Classrbullet.gif (313 bytes)

lbullet.gif (312 bytes)The Freshman Classrbullet.gif (313 bytes)

lbullet.gif (312 bytes)The Class Organizationsrbullet.gif (313 bytes)

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