The Senior Class - 1922

Class colors:     White and Green                                 Class Flower:    White Carnation

Class Motto"Out of School Life, into Life's School"

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Class Officers: 

President - Fred Hill                                                  Vice President - Joe Neal Runnels

                                   Secretary/Treasurer - Mozelle Houston           

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Class Members


Leroy Alford Student Council; Football; Basketball; Baseball.
Alice Anderson Alice is smart, and the teachers joys; She likes the girls, but O U Boys
Janice Anderson Janice is smart and loves books--Her books love her, by heck! And with it comes to history, She Spill it by the peck.
Minta Burns She's little but loud, And the life of every crowd; The drug store is her home, And she sure does love to roam.
Fleta Carroll Students' Council
Thelma Corbitt Thelma Corbitt can make you laugh, But, oh! how she can play; When you hear her say "I could listen forever and a day."
Bertha Davis She's fat and always laughing; Her song is as sweet as a lark, and when she sings those beautiful songs she's like a light in the dark
Loretta Deax Basketball; Glee Club; Orchestra
Exa Doggett Basketball;  Center Staff
Mary Elizabeth Elliott Basketball
Otho Hagans Students' Council; Football; Basketball.
Jennie D. Harris Glee Club
Samuel Hicks Football; Track
Fred Hill President Senior Class; President Students Council; Football; Glee Club; Treasurer Athletic Club.
Lecta Holton Now, Lecta is a swet, nice gir, you know: she is very, very precise, And if you ask her to be your friend, You need never ask twice.
Mozelle Houston Secretary and Treasurer; basketball
Mozelle Hungington Basketball
Opal Liem Opal is our Spanish sharp; She also sings like a bird--In fact, we call her "Caruso" Shen her wonderful songs we heard.
Raye McKee We have in view Our Raye McKee, A regular  Shakespear you can see.
Austine Mills Assistant Business Manager "THE CENTER" Basketball, Glee Club
Paul Mills Editor "THE CENTER"; Class Reporter; Football, Tennis, Glee Club, Basketball
Eddie Frank Norris Glee Club
Katy Lee Oliver Glee Club; Basketball
Leroy Paul Football; Basketball
Mabel Porter 'Tis Mable Porter, Our High School Beauty; She's always sweet And 'tend to her duty.
Mary Rogers Glee Club
Joe Neal Runnels Business Manager "THE CENTER"; President Athletic Club, Vice President Senior Class; Football; Captain Basketball; Tennis; Glee Club; Track
Annie Love Sanford Annie Love loves her looks, And we love her, "tis true; She has the sweetest smile and looks, When she looks at you.
George Smith Football; Basketball
R. B. Smith Ben is a giant And a ladies' man When a secret is told He's always on hand.
Dicua Strong Her eyes are laughing and blue; Take care when she give you a side glance And looks down at you Beware.
Nan Strong Her thoughts are always pure; We love hjer with all our heart; She's always shy and demure--We hope we'll never part.
Buford Taylor Football; Glee Club
William Wall Tennis
Masel Wood Student Council; Glee Club